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Best Android Apps For Writing

--By On November 17, 2015


Professionals from a writing service IvoryResearch have prepared a list of apps for your Android. They are the apps that they have collectively agreed will help novice and veteran writers get a little work done on their phones and tablet devices.

JotterPad Writer

It has a distraction free interface to help you write more efficiently, and it has a built-in English dictionary so you can check to ensure the words you are using are correct. There is a phrase-finding function, undo, redo, word and character count. It is a fully featured text editor with an extended keyboard.

It has DropBox integration that allows you to stack your saves in a queue to be uploaded when you next connect to the Internet. It has custom fonts, syntax highlighting, typewriter scrolling and RTL support. It saves your work when you exit, so you need not worry about losing your content, and it will not delete your files without asking permission first.

Story Plot Generator

This app is useful for people that are not taking it too seriously. It has a series of subsections you choose, and it generates a story plot for you. It has a lot of negative reviews because people are taking it a little too seriously. It should only be used to give you a vague idea that you may use to create your own ideas. If you simply use this app to create your story plots, then your stories will be uninspired and unimaginative. It should only be used for a little inspiration to help cure writer’s block. The app is very easy to use, and it has numerous fantasy elements, so it will suit people that are writing both realistic and unrealistic narrative texts.

Story Plot Generator


This is an app with an overwhelming amount of users online. It allows you to write notes, create checklists and write down your research. You can discuss your work with others and organize your photos, files and documents within the app. It has an uncluttered workspace to help you remain focused, you can attach files to your documents such as photos and PDF files, and you can make to-do lists. You can insert tags and keep your work tidy, and you can create categories to make your photos and notes easier to search for.

You can work together with other people and share your notebooks, and it is a great app to help you prepare for a meeting. You can create business cards and send them to people, you can track your expenses and you can plan your travel excursions to help you save money and avoid aggravation. You can use it offline, it has an added pass code for mobile devices, and they allow up to 10GB of uploads every month. You can use their PDF annotation tools, and it allows for unlimited business card scans.

Writing Prompts

If you are writing and you need a little inspiration, or you are suffering with writer’s block, you may use this app to prompt you. It has thought-provoking prompts that help you with your story, and it has vague ideas that you can take as your own and adapt to fit your story or narrative. Some of the prompts are a little uninspired, but that is because the app developers were going for a more real and grounded prompting system that applied to real life and the everyday.

Writing Prompts

IA Writer

This app offers a distraction free environment where the tools are hidden in a way that allows you to concentrate on your writing only. Some feel that this removes the notion of a full-screen writing experience, but the developers did this so that people wouldn’t be distracted by editing elements. This app allows you to keep your hands on your keyboard and your mind on your text. The app has an integrated file browser to access all of the documents you have saved onto your mobile device. The Focus mode is very interesting, as it allows you to concentrate on your writing and your writing styles one sentence at a time.

You can synchronize your saved files with Google Drive and Dropbox, plus you can save your files locally so that you may gain instant access the moment that inspiration strikes. The app has a markdown preview and is fully MultiMarkdown compatible. It has beautiful preview templates with curated fonts, and if you try the Focus mode, you will see how it fades out all the other text surrounding your current sentence. You can export your work as a PDF or HTML files, it allows for a full-screen experience without the editing clutter other writing apps have, and there is a night mode so that you need not turn the lights on when you leap out of bed for a bit of midnight writing.

Joan Gilbert is a creative freelance writer. Her sphere of interests is mobile technologies and writing. Today she works as a writer for coursework writing service Ivory Research.

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